The daily grind

We go day to day, week to week with our goal to stay true to our THPL mission.  When we “stay true” the journey has us living large and with a lot of purpose, and excitement, about what is / can be.  The risk to our mission is if we let the daily grind get in the way.  There is a big pull from the grind – there are even others who want us to fall into “normal” and minimize what we do, and of course there are the other “commitments” that can dominate our day, our focus -  but the bottom line is that there are still enough hours in the week or the day to do the things we want to do, to live the THPL life and all that it means.  We just have to stay true to ourselves, our dreams and what it is that we each want to accomplish.  When we do this, even the daily grind cannot get in the way!  

Loving life when I beat the daily grind