The secret to a successful journey on the THPL path is to stay focused on our plan and question the plan, only when it can help create a better outcome. In all other cases the key is for us to stick with the plan that we made when we were set our goals and dreams. There is little that should get in the way of achieving, that which we alone decided to seek, and when we work out the plan to get to our goals it is with good purpose that we should feel obligated to finishing what we started. Yes, there are lots of distractions and reasons to change the plan but it is better to first finish before we change, to validate that we set the right way to go forward and to get the feeling of completion and the satisfaction that comes with it. The plan has a bigger purpose than just doing the steps and we have to get it done to understand the impact that this has on our lives.
Loving life when I stick with the plan