On the THPL journey most of what we do is driven by our personal mission. We decide where to spend our energy, what to focus on, what to practice and as importantly what not to do. And this all fits into the bigger goal of improving our own sense of personal fulfillment. And so it goes, we set our goals, we determine how to achieve them and then we go out and do the activity and we refine it and get better at it all the time. Without explicit acknowledgement, or action, these steps are getting us to a point where we are living in a ready state. That “state” where we can enter an activity at an advanced level without a ramp-up time. And it is this kind of circumstance that makes us powerful. We can act unilaterally, and effectively and do it at a level that is satisfying and rewarding. The ready state is the goal, living the THPL life is the path to it. A good plan indeed it is…...
Loving life when I am in a ready state