There are so many things to get done on the THPL journey and it feels, that at times, it is impossible to get them done. Read a book, take a walk, meditate, spend time writing. Any of them can seem important but then they just don’t happen. So, the best of intentions turn into…. Might we think about identifying one of the things that we want to do, just one, and we make it a priority to get it done. We all know that if we keep it simple that it is more likely that we will achieve our goal. To get this going let’s just pick one thing that we know we can do and set the goal and then do it. Our success at this level will set the foundation for doing more of what we want to do. All we have to do is to remember how we succeeded and then do that again. The results will be better than we imagined and our way will be the right way….
Loving life when I get it done