Child-like wonder

The THPL life is a driven life, goals, objectives, a strong push to be a better version of ourselves all the time.  This is indeed a great way to live – it gives us purpose and direction and the pathway to personal fulfillment.  And as powerful as this is, we can make our experience even more vibrant by bringing child-like wonder to how we live.  We can all remember when we could play for hours, we could look at the simplest of situations and make them fun, we could be creative and spontaneous and so much more.  It was natural to have a genuine enthusiasm for life.  We embraced it unknowingly and we were artists drawing pictures of our own life and living them out as we thought they should be.  So, maybe we should reach deep to get that feeling back, bring child-like wonder to our journey, and live enthusiastically every day, with our fingers on the pulse of our own creativity we can do so much more and more and more……Sounds like fun….let’s go get it.

Loving life even when I am feeling that sense of child-like wonder