We can find ourselves, from time to time, along the THPL journey, with an obstacle in the way. It could be as simple as a speed bump or it can become more like a big pothole or even worse a crash on the side of the road. What is most important, after we take care of any structural issues, Is to think about how we can find a way around our challenge. It might take numerous attempts, it could require a few alternative approaches, it could push us to ask for help, we might even need to do a bit of research, or fix the problem with whatever we have – the key here is that we do not allow ourselves to be blocked from getting done what we set out to do – there is little to nothing that we should allow to get in our way. We have the power to overcome whatever is blocking us – we just have to keep true to the journey and to not allow anything to get in the way of our goal!
Loving life when I find a way around an issue