Today I had the pleasure of being at the New Roads School in Santa Monica, California. An independent school that is, in my opinion, a remarkable school; one that is dedicated to learning in a way that I see as unique by focusing on independent thinking and a deep curiosity about the world and its people. They bring it to life, for example, with their Change Maker Speaker series, at which I presented today to 150 students in the Middle School. The topic was Grit and Perseverance and it was an honor and a privilege to be included in their program. To spend an hour with the young people who will help to mold and create the future of the world is just about the best way that I could spend my time. And to be able to share with them some of the stories of my THPL journey was a moment that I will remember forever. I left the school today inspired and energized by the commitment being made to help each of the students reach their full potential; a mission that I support 100%. I am reminded every day, and today even more, that this world is made up of really great and amazing people of all ages and races and cultures. And I am looking forward to seeing all of the great things that will happen as we tap this potential more and more by creating an arc from youth to adult in ways that have not been fully realized. There are only great things to come as we tap this potential and make the world a better place for all. Thank you New Roads for all that you do for your students and all who touch them – we are inspired by you for sure!
Loving life when I am hanging out with such amazing people