Food as culture


                                                                                                                                                                 There are many things that we need on our THPL journey, we need to feed our brains, our souls, and our bodies.  And while there is a clear nutritional need in what we eat there is also a soulfulness that drives what we eat.  And much of that feeling comes from our traditions, our preferences, our culture.  Sometimes it might even be very peculiar and particular to a specific geography; that is we cannot seem to understand why others don’t like what we do or vice-versa.  What we know, though, is that all tastes, all foods, don’t have to be universally loved.  What matters is that in the places that we live and take our journey that we embrace what we know, enjoy and appreciate.  We should share our food passions and keep true to them, sharing them, living them and loving them.  It is a good thing indeed…..

Loving life when I eat what I love