Captivating - to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting or unique. It is a feeling that we will get from time to time while on our THPL journey. And it comes from the people that we encounter along the way. The more we explore, take risks, try new things, go deeper, the more likely it is that we will find an individual that is captivating. We all know them when we see them – that essence of different, that unique way of doing, that energy and passion that cannot be faked. Ironically, it takes some effort to find those who are captivating as they see themselves…as just themselves….not particularly special. And yet the more we do, and throw ourselves into, the more likely we will find one of those captivating people that we will remember for a long time to come. Let’s press forward on our journey – there are great experiences that come from it – captivating for sure.
Loving life when I am captivated