As we traverse our THPL journey we do more and more. Sometimes, we are doing different things, sometimes they are new, and other times we are refining what we do. And it seems that at each step along the way we need more stuff. Sometimes it is to extend what we have, other times it allows us to do more, and maybe even look good or feel better about what we are setting out to do. It seems that we can go to many different places to get the things we need to extend our experience on our journey. And maybe one of those “places” to get something is in the hand-me-down space. From friends, from thrift stores, from Goodwill, there are lots of places to get gently used products that we can use to help us advance our cause. Of course, we can also contribute to the hand-me-down process by giving away some of the things we have that could use a new home. There is so much good that comes from the hand-me-down process that we should all participate….and as often as possible…
Loving life when I am getting some hand-me-downs!