letter of recommendation


There are moments, along our THPL journey when it is good to do some self-reflection.  It can take many forms.  Some like to meditate, some ask for input from others, and there are objective assessments that we can do.  All of which is very healthy and helpful techniques. Another one to add to our repertoire requires us to write a letter of recommendation for ourselves as if it is going to be read by someone considering us for something important.  It is an interesting exercise to see what we can come up with. Is it easy to write? Does it sound compelling? Is it convincing? There are many ways to evaluate its effectiveness but the bottom line is that what we really want to be doing is to see if we like what we wrote. If it was too hard to write then why is that so? And what can we or are we willing to do about it? The process is healthy and productive and also instructive. Maybe we should be doing this with some kind of frequency – minimally on a yearly basis if not semi-annually.  The time we take to go through writing our own letter of recommendation is well worth it and it is easy enough to start – no cost of entry – just the will to write it and read it. Enjoy the process and the outcome…..

Loving life when I write my own letter of recommendation