What a difference a year makes


This is a fun time of year for so many reasons – the THPL journey takes us through the holidays on the way to a new year and as crazy as it is there is ample time for a moment of reflection.  We are too early for new year’s resolutions but it is not too early to think back a year and how many great things we experienced and accomplished.  Many of them would be things that we did not exactly plan for, those activities/accomplishments that came out of the opportunity of the moment – a serendipitous happening – a challenge to take on that we could not pass up – an invitation from a friend to go do something really different.  None of these “moments” can be foreseen but we can foresee that there will be remarkable moments that occur in our coming year.  And this is so because we make it be that way. When we open our heart, our minds, our souls…..when we stay away from the word “no”…..when we believe that we can do more than we think we can…..then the year ahead, is by definition, going to be awesome. So, let’s keep in mind that a year can really make a difference and it is up to us to make it so…..Now, how fun is that!

Loving life when I realize how much I did in a year