Three days to go and 2017 will be in the books. And what a journey it was. We could coast into 2018 or we can take advantage of the time left and do one more thing, something that we really wanted to do in 2017 and did not get enough time to get it done. Maybe three days is not enough to do it all but how about if we just do some part of it. Read a book – maybe we just order it. Go for a long run – maybe we make it longer than normal. Take a yoga class – just use YouTube to do it at home. The idea is that we can do more, even if it is a little more, it is just up to us to make the decision and make the effort. So, let’s use our time as best as we can and end the year with a good feeling. Every time we take an action we benefit from it, this is indeed a good trend as we enter the new year.
Loving life when I get one more thing done