Happy new year


It is said that when life is good the days are long and the years are short.  And with our focus on our THPL journey and all that it can do to our life we know that the phrase “what a difference a year makes” is just so true.  Which is how we enter into 2018.  We know that given another year our life will get better with more accomplishments, more learning, more helping, more giving, more thinking and more doing.  The 365 days that lay ahead and make up 2018 are there for us to use as we see fit. The power of that thought, intimidating on one level and exciting on another. It truly is an exciting moment – a time to raise our expectations and to prove, yet again, that we can do more than we think we can.   Here’s to a magical 2018 and a Happy New Year! 

Loving life when I am a few hours from the New Year.