When you spend as much time as we do on our THPL journey we find that we get attached and connected to many things. They are the beautiful trails that we run, the mountains that we hike, the vistas that we see, the sunsets that dazzle, the snowflakes that entertain and so much more. And there are times when we are on our journey that we can take for granted the beauty, splendor, and specialness of what is around us. To wit, we must stay vigilant, and we must protect that which we love, that is around us, and keep strong a need for a holistic place to live. Our call, then is to put effort into protecting mother earth, to treat her like another living being, the host of all that we do. We need to keep away those who don’t fully understand the value and the fragility of all that is around us. When we make the earth our priority good things will happen and all will benefit. There is nothing to wait for, let’s keep it beautiful and vibrant for years to come and THPL and all of its community will be grateful beneficiaries.
Loving life when I am protecting mother earth