There are times in one’s life when we feel like we have been taken care of, given some sort of privilege. We feel special when this happens, it can be as simple as when someone saves you a seat at an event, or invites you to go somewhere that you might not ordinarily go. None of it needs to be “fancy” it just needs to feel unique and personal and unexpected. And so it is, we know how great it feels when we get that “saved seat”, so how about we make it a goal to give this feeling away to someone else. We invite a friend, a co-worker, a member of the THPL community, to something that makes them feel that they matter, that they have been thought of, considered, included and selected. It need not be anything “big” it just needs to be the thought, the action, the invite. The impact will be felt, for both, we will feel great for inviting and our “guest” will feel great for being thought of. Just one more way for us to make THPL come to life and to make our Life theme real and fulfilling. Save me a seat…..please!
Loving life when someone thinks of me