The cup runneth over

Four days till the start of the six continents challenge.  And with only four days to go it seems crazy… but…. “life goes on”.  Still lots of work to do, life to live, things to take care of – nothing can yet be put on hold.  The THPL journey at this moment a blend of all elements of life, learning and fitness, with life bubbling over and the number of last minute tasks ever increasing.  There is not much time left to get these tasks taken care of - finalizing the nutrition plan, meeting locations, seat assignments and more.  Busy is good, a reminder that even 168 hours (a week) can be consumed rather quickly.  And then a moment of calm.  The time approaching brings excitement and anticipation.   The weather looking good, the legs feeling good, and a feeling that I am ready to go.  Run Joe Run.

Loving life with four days to go!