I get knocked down

The Tour de France is a real journey, and a microcosm of what it takes to win, succeed, survive.  Each day there are examples of riders who take a fall doing what they are very good at, and as soon as they fall they are gearing themselves to get on the bike and to get going again.  Bruised and battered, they do not spend a lot of time worrying about how they feel at the moment, rather they focus on staying in the race and clear on to the finish line.  We face the same kind of situations in our lives.  We are very practiced at all elements of Life, Learning and Fitness.  And we start out every day, in earnest, to get to our own finish line.  Yet there are sometimes when all does not go as planned and we have our “fall”, a setback or sorts.  And it is at this moment when our direction is conceived.  We get to consider the options and then there is a time to decide.  Do we brush ourselves off and then move forward?  The answer lies not in the moment but rather before we get there.  Our goal is to know what to do when the going gets tough and we hit an unpredictable circumstance – are we ready to go and get it done - we need to be and this can take a bit of work.  And yet, this is how we roll and what makes the THPL journey even more special….I get knocked down, but not for too long....

Loving life when I get back up