A short long day

When we take the THPL journey we know that it comes with a big commitment.  We have to stay true to bettering ourselves in the areas of Life, Learning and Fitness.  We need to commit to our fellow members of the community.  We have to press forward in spite of any obstacles that can get in the way.  And all of this makes for, in a very traditional sense, a long day – that is one where we use up a lot of the available hours to service our THPL needs.  This is good and we enjoy both the effort required and even the struggle that can come from this lifestyle. And then there are those moments when it all comes together.  We execute flawlessly, we find out some great news, we accomplish one of our goals, we see one of our peers do something amazing and that very long day all of a sudden feels short.  The effort seems way less and the return so very high.  The moments that come may not happen at a rapid frequency but when they do they are both the antidote for the effect of a long day and the catalyst for wanting to do many more long days.  It all works…..we just need to stick to the mantra….Dream it, plan it, practice it, do it….

Loving life when a long day becomes short