A bit brighter


We all know that it is hard not to smile when someone smiles at us.  We instinctually respond to positive energy with positive energy. And what is not to be positive about when on the THPL journey – we are exploring, enjoying, testing, learning and so much more that when we think about it we just exude "positive".  We also know that it is good form, and a good practice, to pass along positive energy to those around us.  We can do this by giving a compliment, providing support, being there for others, and generally giving of ourselves in service to other people’s needs.  A smile, some help, even a pat on the back, they all make the day and others around us just a bit brighter.  Being positive is contagious and it is just great to be around.  Let’s see how often we can make it brighter, for others and ourselves.

Loving life when it is just a bit brighter