We could simply think about THPL and our journey as the definition of what is in front of us and with the focus on Life, Learning and Fitness we would seemingly have "enough" to know what to do and what we can get out of each element. Yet, all too often, it does not seem to be enough, we want more, we want to know more, feel more, dig a bit deeper, be more. For it is when we do this that we find out, that which we might not have known, understood or had access to. And so it is – we need our big goals, our audacious plans, our crazy ideas to complement our journey – to set us up for “big things” and “big think”. What lays ahead is up to us – we get to choose what we do – we can go as big as we want and it is this idea that is exhilarating and a catalyst for a bigger version of THPL…..indeed……
Loving life when I am charting the course to what is next