THPL is on the road again. Traversing the two “transition” seasons. Autumn in the northern hemisphere and Spring in the southern hemisphere. The feeling as similar as it is different. The goodness about THPL is that journey that we are on provides us a reminder, again and again, that at every turn, at every moment we have an opportunity to feel, to observe, to think about what is happening around us and how we can grow and change. Trigger moments, like the change of the seasons, gives us the opportunity to evaluate where we are on our journey and if we want to, or need to, make a course correction. It is up to us what we do and it is good to build these check-in moments, naturally, into our THPL journey. It can be something that we look forward to. Here’s to the change of seasons. There can be more to them than just dates on the calendar
Loving life when I am transitioning