When we take a moment and think about the challenges that we face on the THPL journey and the implications of our success we can, from time to time, find a bit of apprehension, a bit of tentativeness. It is natural, our system is designed to keep us “alive” and there are warning signals that are sent so that we can stay around for a long time to come. The way beyond, though is to accept the warnings and put them aside and decide to fully commit to the challenge that we face. It is with our full commitment that our best performance comes out. It forces us to dig deep, to embrace and to push through regardless of either the feeling or the feedback. The magic happens as we stay the course, we stay committed and we put our best effort forth. We really are better than we think we are – a full commit is just another way to demonstrate it, to ourselves, to get us to perform at the next level and to enjoy the fruits of our labor. A big push indeed…..
Loving life when I fully commit