Today I set out for my longest run/trek yet. A 205-mile circumnavigation of Lake Tahoe in California (the Tahoe 200). By definition an event like this will be epic- the mountains, the distance, being outdoors from morning through night, it is hard to know exactly what will happen ----it is why we go and do these kinds of events. It should take a bit more than three days to complete. 40,000 feet of climbing up mountains and then back down. Not a lot of sleep just a lot of one foot in front of the other. I will have time to think and reflect, to see what THPL can do for me while out there and what I do when it gets tough and tougher. I will report out what I find when I am done. In between, and for the next few days, I will send a few “remote” blogs, “reports from the field” that are a view into how I am doing as I move along this amazing challenge. I start with a big smile as I think about how we get ourselves to take on bigger and bigger challenges. I know I will benefit immensely from the experience and hope that others on their THPL journey set out to find their version of the “big challenge”. I will be rooting for you! See you when I am done…..
Loving life when I start out on amazing adventures!
Joey g