Happy Thanksgiving!

There are some days while along on our THPL journey that have special meaning and Thanksgiving is one of them.  It is a day of tradition, of thanks, of family, and caring.  It really is good for us to have days like this that we can count on.  A day that allows us a momentary break from all that is pushing us and pulling us along our journey.  So, let’s appreciate that we have at least one Thanksgiving Day a year.  First and foremost, let’s be thankful, let’s share all that we can and be good to others who are in need and then let’s see if we can carry all of the goodness from today into all of the days that follow.  We are after all the same people – if we can do it right one day, we can do it right on many more days.  Happy Thanksgiving to all! 

Loving life when I can celebrate Thanksgiving and all that it represents