Get ready for the cookies

What could be more fun and enjoyable while on our journey than some homemade holiday cookies, baked goods, special foods, and drinks.  It is that time of year when there are more good things around than any time and it is fun and enjoyable to partake and make it a key part of the holiday season.  And just so we can enjoy with a bit less “guilt” than we might feel let’s think about how we can increase our activity level at the same time.  We can add some bodyweight exercises, more stretching, some winter hikes, a run, just about anything that gets the heart rate up and the body moving.  We can invite others to participate or we can do it on our own.  All that matters is that we think about being active and engaged and combining the “cookies” with some activity.  In this way, we make the holiday season that much better.  Here’s to a cookie and a walk and all else that we can do. 

Loving life when I am enjoying the holiday season