Quandary Peak

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Quandary – “a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation”. Seems to be a fitting definition when one sets out to hike to the top of a 14er (a peak over 14,000 feet) in the Colorado Rockies in the middle of the winter.  A great challenge at any time of year but when the conditions consist of 40 mph winds, temps around 12 degrees, snow swirling around, it makes the goal of getting to the top ever more challenging.  There is an inner drive that we need to tap so that we could overcome the conditions while we search for the route to the top, hike beyond a few false peaks, and support each other (our group of seven) as each small step gets us closer and closer to the top.  Getting to the top of Quandary Peak (and getting back down again) felt great, the challenge of the day bringing that amazing feeling we get when we achieve an objective, on our THPL journey.  Yesterday, we had seven satisfied and tired hikers who figured out how to overcome that difficult situation – a great day for sure! 

Loving life when I bag a 14er