Cook for someone


There are so many important elements of the THPL journey that it would be hard to say that one is more important than another but if we are forced we would mostly agree that food is essential, if not central to our THPL journey.  Much of food is really personal – we like what we like, and we know what we know.  And we all know that food can play a role of nutrition, fuel, experience, tradition and more.   So, if we take it to another level we would share our “food life” with others and we can do this in many ways.  Sharing knowledge, traditions, recipes and more.  And yet maybe the best way to really share our “food life” with others is to cook for them.  To bring them closer to what it is that we love to eat.  We can make a dish or a meal it matters none, what matters is that we share something that is truly personal and brings them closer to who we are and what we love.  A better way to share ourselves would be hard to imagine…

Loving life when I cook for someone