Peaceful thought

We put so much energy into our THPL journey that we can get caught up in the rush to our goals and miss a lot of what we can feel and experience along the way. And while we are often reminded that we should take a moment to reflect we need to remind ourselves that calming the mind and the soul can have as much or more benefit than any activity we can do.  Starting with peaceful thought, a deep sense of self and our role here, we can find a way to that soulful place that rewards us and all of those around us.  It is not hard to go there – it just needs sincere interest, a passion for living and a respect for ourselves.  The more we feel it the more we need to do it.  So, here’s to peaceful thought and a calm mind and to appreciate the beauty that is, in us, and all around us.

Loving life when I have peaceful thought in my heart and my head