The list of three….

We take the THPL journey and we are faced with big questions as we push our limits and ultimately the way that we impact the world that we are a part of.  We have an opportunity to make a difference all of the time, it can be by being a role model when we follow the principles we espouse in our THPL community, it can be when we reach out and help others in need of help and it can be with the choices we make to protect the planet.  It is simple – let’s adopt this list of three–

·      Am I a living like a role model

·      Am I helping others

·      Am I protecting the planet

and then ask ourselves, again and again, are we living to them.  And when we do remarkable things are going to happen.  Imagine a world where 7+ billion people adopted the list of three…….WOW, that would be remarkable.

Loving life when I am living the list of three