Offer what we know

It would be impossible to be on the THPL journey and not learn something, become an expert, refine skills, create something new and so much more.  And in the process of these developments, it is certainly reasonable to assume that what we have learned and grown into is of value to others.  Yet, it seems, as we sometimes struggle through our own journey, learning on the way, that there is not enough help or support to access and leverage.  It is more likely then, that this is an issue of access, not availability – we just don’t know where it is, or we cannot find it.  So, let’s turn this one inside out – let’s all start to offer what we know to others, it can be in any form, a call, a message, an email, a meeting, a plan, an event…there are so many different ways that we can offer to help each other.  We just have to make it part of our journey because what we know is that what we emphasize and prioritize is what gets done.  Here’s to helping others on their THPL journey; there is very little that we can do that is better for THPL.

Loving life when I can offer help to others