In life as in death be brought us closer together. The story of Anthony Bourdain captured our attention around the world as so many of us felt a connection to him and his storytelling. The sadness of his passing by the tragedy that is suicide tempered, if possible, by the intense feelings that so many had for how he explored culture cuisine and the human condition. He found a way in his travels to tell stories about how we lived in the context of our own traditions, local curiosities and the fearless way we should live and celebrate. We will never be able to explain why someone would take their life, we do know that when we can touch people who might be at risk we can help them through rough moments. We also need to recognize that the things that are material are not the reasons we will have a good life, it is rising above, maybe with a THPL like perspective, that reminds us that our lives are multi-dimensional, complex and wonderful. So, at moments like this, it is good to celebrate life, it is ok to be sad and it is important to stay close to each other.
Loving life when we are closer together