A mini break

It is normal that we get really busy on our THPL journey.  There is just always more that we can do.  We love doing more and more after all and so we normalize a rather different level of flow and activity and therein lies the risk that we might not realize we need a break.  We might even forgo the “big” vacation that we would like to take or maybe it is just too far out in the future.  And we know that a break is important and yet we struggle to take it.  Might we think about taking mini-breaks to fulfill the need and bridge to a bigger break.  A weekend trip, a half day off, an unexpected adventure, there are so many options and each of them benefiting us in many ways, not the least of which is a change of scenery and pace.  So, let’s make a commitment to ourselves that we will do this at least once a month – a mini break – yes, let’s start planning that now.  It feels exciting just thinking about it……

Loving life when I am on a mini break