Wombat selfies???

We live by the notion that truth is stranger than fiction.  We know this because on our journey there are things we hear and see that seem beyond our imagination.  How could we dream it up if it indeed has never happened?  And then there are those times when we just shake our head wondering how we got to the place that we are.  In Australia, at the moment, there is a warning to tourists and locals that they should stop taking selfie pictures with wombats – they are short-legged, muscular quadrupedal marsupials that are native to Australia and yes, they are quite cute.  But do we really need to be bothering them and further do we need to be guided to stop taking selfies?  We can and should know better.  Wildlife should live in peace and we should not impose our silly habits on them.  We can admire from afar and then get back to our THPL journey and that better version of ourselves.   

Loving life when I leave the wombats to be…