A reminder to care...

We go places, that is what we love about the journey.  And along the way, we will, most likely, find our way to the national parks.  They are beautiful and spectacular and we all know that we need to take care of them so that for generations to come they can experience the same wonderful times that we have had the opportunity to do.  For the past three weeks, our parks have been under cared for.  Sadly, they have been ignored because of our government shutdown.  It is not good for the crown jewels of the American landscape to be ignored.  The good news is that there are groups of people who have taken it on themselves to clean up and care for our parks during the shutdown.  In tough times, like this moment, it is great to see  THPL behaviors come out even more strongly showing that at our core we really do care.  It is just great to see and provides us with a reminder to do our part. 

Loving life when I do the right thing