Critical Thinking

There is a perspective that we gain as we spend more and more time on our journey, some call it wisdom, others call it experience, but maybe it is really our ability to perform critical thinking.   Critical thinking, the analysis of facts to form a conclusion, the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.  The exact definition is not what we care about, more than anything what we learn to care about is to use reason, process and logic and not convenience as the way to make decisions and assessments.  There is a risk that we allow our thought process to be too casual on our journey.  Instead, we need to leverage the power of our brain and its ability to render sound conclusions.  It is how we progress and make good decisions and ultimately stay alive.  Yes, it does take more energy (aka work) to have good critical thinking skills but it is hard to understate the importance of making the commitment to the power of critical thinking and what it can do for us.   

Loving life when I am doing my best critical thinking
