We all know that to be on this journey comes from some kind of inspiration that we have internally or have been influenced by. And when we look to others to see why they are on their own journey or not we often find that there are fewer people than we would like to see. There are many reasons that we can come up with that explain the reluctance or hesitancy, but we cannot leave it there. We need to push ourselves and others to stay the course, push forward and do more than we normally would. And in so doing we have the opportunity to take others with us. To invite them, to encourage them, to support them. To take away the excuses and make the possible probable and big ideas into happenings. So, let’s find someone in need of a push (or pull) and invite them to go along for “the ride” they will appreciate it and we will be better for doing it.
Loving life when I take someone with me.