We are what we do 

As 2020 approaches we have so much to consider.  Is next year going to be more of the same, are we going to take on new challenges or aim to improve our performance from this year.  What is it that we want to do and accomplish and what are we going to do to make it happen.  And as we navigate and consider the options it is important to realize that what we do is who we are.  We can have aspirations for anything, but we cannot be anything, that is, we are what we do.  So, the possibilities are open and we can adjust and be different but the important consideration is to find a way to be consistent with what we do and who we want to be.  When the two are in alignment life is more productive and rewarding.  Let’s use the next month or so to work on aligning ourselves to a place where we plan for what we do, and it gets us to where we want to be.  A good and thoughtful challenge…..for sure.

Loving life when I am what I do
