Feels like winter

There are many aspects to our journey that keep it interesting for us, all we have to do is to take advantage of it.  Formally, Winter is not yet here, but for many of us, we are feeling the effects of winter weather.  Cold, snow, storms, and more.  A very different time than the rest of the year.  We have to think about what we wear to stay warm, how we drive to stay safe, and where we travel so that we can get there.  And with all of this caution, we need to embrace the feeling and the essence of winter.  That cold silence that is only present when outside in the bitter cold.  The beauty of a world with trees with no leaves.  The white snow, that is an amazing color (or lack thereof) that we can only find during the days of winter.  It might take a push to get outside but for sure it is worth it.  So, let’s appreciate winter for what it is and enjoy what we can from this very different time of year.  And if a bit of inspiration would help here is a video from the team at Solomon that takes us out and about in winter – beautiful for sure!


 Loving life when I am out in the cold
