Our journey is fascinating, so many subtleties, so many insights, so many feelings, all we have to do is to be engaged, pay attention, listen well and it evolves in ways known and unknown. The mystery that is our journey for sure. There are ways to figure out what matters while on our journey and it spans all of what the journey is about and one of them happens when we limit the amount of time that we have (because of choices we make). Limiting, or limited time forces us to make real and active decisions about what matters, what we want to do, how we prioritize, what we learn, who we spend time with and what we are trying to become. It is fascinating how differently we act and perform when we have limited time and if we are good at it, we just get better and better, more efficient, more effective, yes, less time make us better. So, let’s think about how we use time to make our lives what we want them to become. It is up to us after all to decide, let’s choose to do so. Better here I come!
Loving life when I am working on how I use time