Most all of us, at some point, decided to make a commitment to the THPL journey. A journey that once embraced is compelling, meaningful and rewarding. On the surface it would seem that everyone would want to make a similar choice, one to work towards an ever-increasing level of personal fulfillment, to a time when our future is better than the past could ever be and a life that is impactful beyond what we can do for ourselves. And it is in this light that we all need to commit to finding a way to get more people living their own version of THPL. We know the benefits of this life’s journey and we need to be committed to telling others about why this would be good for them. Let’s tell them our stories, from nothing to our own version of greatness. The stories compelling, and a sincere way to capture their attention and imagination. This is no time to wait, so let’s go tell our story and get others to do the same.
Loving life when I get them all on our side