Going Greener

It seems that a core attribute of being on the THPL journey is being “green” – taking care of the planet, being mindful of the way that we live, and how we use resources.  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are for sure words that we live by.  And when life is in order it is easy to follow these mantras.  And yet we need to challenge ourselves to not only do this when it is easy, we need to be kind to the earth all of the time.  For those of us who travel there are many times when we have an opportunity to be deliberate about the choices, we make to be green.  It might take a bit of effort to recycle or use less, we can walk more around town when possible, and soon with the Green Mode announcement that the ride-hailing company Lyft made we will soon be able to choose an electric vehicle of a fossil-fuel powered car.  Options like this are very exciting and show us that we can all make efforts to stem the tide of global warming, to create less waste, to protect habitats, to just use fewer resources.  When we all make efforts like this we can see and feel how we can take care of the earth for generations to come.  So, each day we should ask ourselves, what is the one thing (at least one) that we did to go greener?  Imagine the impact that this one decision can make when we all do it together……

Loving life when I go green!