For as much as we want to experience and see and feel on our journey, there are some places and sights that we will most likely just not be able to get to. And yet we should not leave it there. Regardless of limited resource, time, or lack opportunity we should find ways to experience that which we want to but in different ways. We have the benefit of video and audio that is portable and powerful and covers just about every topic and location we would care to experience. There are countless people, whom we know and don’t know who would be thrilled to share their first-hand experiences – we just have to ask. And of course, there are countless books that relay, in a different way, that which we can see in our imagination. So, let’s commit to experiencing more of the world and of life than we can through primary methods. It will enrich us and reward us in ways not fully known or understood but for sure appreciated.
Loving life through the eyes of others….