If she can help

We all look for role models while on our journey. And usually, they come from traditional sources. But every once in a while, we get inspired by the unlikeliest of people. In this instance, a first grader in Florida has started a campaign to collect Peanut Butter and Jelly for those in need. With an audacious goal of collecting 10 million jars, she is off to a great start with over 1,000 jars collected. She is focused on those who have hunger at home or are struggling to have enough food to eat in a week. There are an estimated 41 million people in the U.S. who have difficulty getting the food they need and often go hungry. So, how about we take inspiration from Eva Chapman and see how we can get involved in solving the hunger problem in the US. It starts with us – for example - just one jar or Peanut Butter, one jar of Jelly. Let’s see what we each individually can do and start making a difference today!

Loving life when I am making a difference
