The world out there

The journey that we take can be full of many engaging and interesting experiences but for it to be so we have to put in the effort.  We have to seek out what is out beyond our normal boundaries.  We need to pick our heads up and look around.  We need to think bigger and not be satisfied with the rote nature of what life can become.  Sometimes we can trigger a bit of awe that will get the heart beating just a bit faster; watching this film  for five minutes can tend to do that.  Timestorm films does an amazing job of shooting the incredible view that we can all have of the world out there.  It is inspiring and uplifting and a good reminder that our world extends far beyond what we see every day and wow is it amazingly beautiful.  Here’s to seeing scenery like this in person in 2020, a wow moment indeed!

Loving life when I am in the world out there
