When I left High School some number of years ago one of the things that I looked forward to was losing the “you don’t look cool wearing that” syndrome. Some years later, after much lamenting about not being cool I grew to learn that as a high schooler we do not have a fully formed prefrontal cortex, and thus we cannot make logical decisions, nor can we fully reason an argument, or show good judgment. So, it is with a newfound understanding that I can attribute this empty criticism and insecurity to essentially an incomplete design (in our brain). The good news, though is that we all grow out of this, and by our mid-twenties that pre-frontal thing is developed and we move onto more important topics than the clothes or shoes we are wearing. And now the weirdest thing happened. A pandemic hit, and it is deadly. And the best way to halt it is wearing a mask. Yet, for some reason, unbeknownst to me, we have regressed to our teenage years and for some wearing a mask is not cool. We have no excuse, we are adults, we know how to think, and reason and we cannot say that we do not care for the health and lives of our co-habitants on this planet. So for anyone who thinks a mask is not cool, not necessary, does not look good…..get over it. You are an adult and you should do what every responsible adult should do. Protect ourselves and all around us. Wear a mask. End of story….
Loving life wearing a mask (and still alive for doing so)