Are we ready

I am often reminded of the entrepreneur’s mantra that it always takes longer and costs more money than expected…It would appear that we are all living some form of this mantra in 2020.  The pandemic is not going away as quickly as desired, the economy is taking longer to recover, social gatherings are not as they used to be, stadiums are mostly empty and the list goes on.  We don’t have a real sense of when we might be able to do, more freely, the things we like doing (like hugging a friend, etc.).  And so, as winter approaches and the days get shorter and the pandemic roars all around us, it is time to get ready for long stretches of strain and struggle.  Will we get beyond this period of time? We know the answer is yes, it’s just how long it will take us that has us all wondering.  So in the meantime, we hunker down, we wear masks, we do fun things outside, we treat each other well and we stay the course and move forward

Loving life when I get myself ready 
