Friday the 13th

Seems that on most of our journey a Friday the 13th felt like one of those days that we wanted to avoid – some kind of superstition that got the best of us.  This year, Friday the 13th in November, is quite different than any other Friday the 13th.  And sadly it’s not for good reason – it is because the Coronavirus is raging across the country and some other parts of the world.  It is a situation that we are all tired of and that we want to end.  But it is going to take more than just our frustration and our wishes to conquer this virus.  It is going to take all of us putting in the effort to slow its growth.  Let’s wear masks, stay out of big crowds, stay clear of each other, and just be responsible members of our community.  It is not that complicated and if we do it right by the next time we hit a Friday the 13th we will be back to the life that we want to be living.

Loving life when we do the right thing 
