finishing strong

As we watch others on their journey we can take away a lot from the way that they carry themselves, the way that they practice, and maybe most importantly the way that they finish a race (or whatever they are trying to finish). In each instance, there are lessons to take away but maybe the one that is most important is the way that the “best” finish the race that they are doing. The best of the pack are the ones’ who regardless of the position that they are in push through the finish line. They optimize their performance, they put all that they have in them and they finish strong. It is an approach that always has a place in what we do in life. It is important for us to bring our best game to whatever we do - whether it is a race, a project, or just when we have to complete what we are doing, what matters is we finish strong. Yes, finishing strong is defining of who we are - let’s make sure to do the best we can!

Loving life when I finish strong
