We cannot turn off gravity

More and more, as we spend time on our journey, we can find that there are moments of emotion that can get in the way of our learning, our understanding, and our progress.  It could be that we did not like the weather in a race we competed in.  Maybe it was the time when we wanted the answer to a crossword puzzle to fit and it did not.  It could be the time when traffic was bad, and we ended up late for an event. Or even when we wished global warming was not affecting the earth in a negative way.  The list could go on and on and we would come to the same conclusion “we cannot turn off gravity” or said differently just because we want something to be a certain way does not make it so.  The lesson is a good one and it helps to carry it with us every day.  We are not victims of our circumstance, there are realities that we have to accept and work with to get to our goals.  When we spend time understanding the constraints of competition, or learning, or life we can find ourselves feeling much better about what we are setting out to do and how to measure our progress.  Gravity, like other constraints, are actually waiting for us to embrace them and work with them.  The more we live this way the easier life becomes…..indeed

Loving life when I remember that gravity is always on
